Test & Profile Directory
Comprehensive testing services supporting primary care providers and specialists
Whether you need tests to diagnose and manage chronic disorders like diabetes or screen for cancer, we are here to serve you and your patients with the critical answers you need for optimal care.
To healthcare providers:
- Doctors can request a price book by filling out the form below. This will provide detailed pricing information, turnaround time, and guidelines for various testing services.
- Profile tests are available to enhance your practice's efficiency at a fraction of the price without compromising quality.
- You can set up an account with our laboratory to benefit from monthly billing along with access to exclusive discounts.
Lists of Tests by Disciplines
- Lists are shown in ascending order by Test Description.
- See "Abbreviations" for explanations of the abbreviations used in the lists.
- The list of available tests provided on this website is for reference purposes only and may not reflect the most current offerings. Additional tests may be available, or changes may be made to existing ones. We recommend contacting us at 3529 1983 to confirm the most up-to-date information regarding our services.

Profile Tests
Our profile tests are specifically designed for doctors to provide a comprehensive view of multiple diagnostic items, helping doctors gain a clearer picture of their patient's health. By combining tests into a single profile, healthcare providers can efficiently assess various aspects of a patient's condition while benefiting from cost savings.
Code: P01
- Alkaline Phosphatase
- GGT (Gamma GT)
- Bilirubin, Total
- Protein, Total
- Albumin
- Globulin
- A/G Ratio
Code: P02
- Urea
- Creatinine
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Uric Acid
- eGFR
Advanced - Code: P03
- Urea
- Creatinine
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Chloride
- Uric Acid
- Protein, Total
- Albumin
- Globulin
Code: P08
- T4
Code: P09
- T3
- T3 Uptake
- T4
Free Thyroid Function Test - Code: P10
- FT3
- FT4
Code: P11
- Cholesterol, Total
- Cholesterol HDL
- Cholesterol LDL (Direct)
- Triglycerides
- VLDL Cholesterol-Calculated
- Cholesterol / HDL Ratio
HBV Vaccine Profile - Code: P13
- Hepatitis Bs Antigen (HBsAg)
- Hepatitis Bs Antibody (HBsAb)
HAV + HBV Vaccine Profile - Code: P14
- Hepatitis A Virus Antibody, IgG( HAVG)
- Hepatitis Bs Antigen (HBsAg)
- Hepatitis Bs Antibody (HBsAb)
Acute Hepatitis Group - Code: P15
- Hepatitis A Virus Antibody IgM
- Hepatitis Bs Antigen (HBsAg)
- Hepatitis B Core Antibody IgM
- Hepatitis C Virus Antibody
HepB Carrier Follow-Up - Code: P16
- Hepatitis Be Antigen (HBeAg)
- Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP)
Code: P24
- Reticulocyte Count
- Iron
- TIBC, Transferrin Saturation
- Hb Pattern
Code: P30
- Iron
- TIBC, Transferrin Saturation
- Ferritin
Code: P25A
- R.A. Factor, Quantitative
- Uric Acid
Code: P25B
- + Anti-CCP
Code: P27
- Glucose (Fasting)
- HbA1C
Code: P28
- Glucose (Fasting)
- Cholesterol, Total
- Cholesterol HDL
- Cholesterol LDL (Direct)
- Triglycerides
- Urea
- Creatinine
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Uric Acid
Code: IGP
- Immunoglobulin IgA
- Immunoglobulin IgG
- Immunoglobulin IgM
Code: MYOP
- Anti-Mi-2α
- Anti-Mi-2β
- Anti-TIF1γ
- Anti-MDA5
- Anti-NXP2
- Anti-SAE1
- Anti-Ku
- Anti-PM-Scl100
- Anti-PM-Scl75
- Anti-Jo-1
- Anti-SRP
- Anti-PL-7
- Anti-PL-12
- Anti-EJ
- Anti-OJ
- Anti-Ro-52
Tumor Markers (Male) - Code: P21
- AFP (Liver)
- CA 19.9 (Pancreas)
- CA 72.4 (Stomach)
- CEA (Colorectal)
- PSA, Total (Prostate)
Tumor Markers 2 (Male) - Code: P26
- AFP (Liver)
- CA 19.9 (Pancreas)
- CA 242 (Pancreas)
- CA 72.4 (Stomach)
- CEA (Colorectal)
- PSA, Total (Prostate)
Tumor Markers (Female) - Code: P22
- AFP (Liver)
- CA 19.9 (Pancreas)
- CA 72.4 (Stomach)
- CEA (Colorectal)
- CA 125 (Ovary)
- CA 15.3 (Breast)
Tumor Markers 2 (Female) - Code: P22B
- AFP (Liver)
- CA 19.9 (Pancreas)
- CA 242 (Pancreas)
- CA 72.4 (Stomach)
- CEA (Colorectal)
- CA 125 (Ovary)
- CA 15.3 (Breast)
Tumor Markers (Gastrointestinal) - Code: P23N
- CA 19.9 (Pancreas)
- CA 242 (Pancreas)
- CA 72.4 (Stomach)
- CEA (Colorectal)
Code: P29
- Amphetamines (AMP)
- Barbiturates (BARB)
- Benzodiazepines (BZN)
- Cannabinoids(THC / Cannabis / Marijuana)
- Cocaine (COC)
- Ketamine (KET)
- MDMA (Ecstasy)
- Methadone
- Methamphetamine (ICE)
- Opiates(Morphine / Heroin / Codeine)
Code: P19
- HSV 2 Antibody IgG
- HIV 1, 2 Ab/p24 Ag Combo
Code: P20
- + Treponemal IgG Antibody
Code: P04
- ABO Grouping + Rh(D)
- HIV 1,2 Ab/p24 Ag Combo
- Hepatitis Bs Antigen (HBsAg)
- Rubella Antibodies IgG
Code: P05
- ABO Grouping + Rh(D)
- HIV 1,2 Ab/p24 Ag Combo
- Hepatitis Bs Antigen (HBsAg)
- Semen Analysis
- Urine Routine
Code: P05Hb
- + Hb Pattern
Code: P06
- ABO Grouping + Rh(D)
- HIV 1,2 Ab/p24 Ag Combo
- Hepatitis Bs Antigen (HBsAg)
- Rubella Antibodies IgG
- Urine Routine
Code: P06Hb
- + Hb Pattern
Code: P07
- Prolactin
- LH
- Progesterone
- E2
- Testosterone, Total
Code: P17
- HIV 1,2 Ab/p24 Ag Combo
- Hepatitis Bs Antigen (HBsAg)
- Pregnancy Test (Urine)
- Stool Routine
- Chest X-ray
Code: P18
- HIV 1, 2 Ab/p24 Ag Combo
- Hepatitis Bs Antigen (HBsAg)
- Urine Routine
- Stool Routine, Ova & Parasites
- Stool Occult Blood (FIT)
- Chest X-Ray
5 Virus:
Adenovirus 40/41, Astrovirus, Norovirus GI/II, Rotavirus, Sapovirus -
3 Parasites:
Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium spp, Cyclospora cayetanensis, Entamoeba histolytica -
9 Bacteria / Bacterial Toxins:
Clostridium difficile toxin A/B, Salmonella spp., Shigella, Campylobacter, Escherichia coli O157, Enteropathogenic E. coli(EPEC), Enterotoxigenic E.coli (ETEC) LT/ST, Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), Yersinia enterocolitica, Vibrio cholera, Shiga-like Toxin producing E. coli (STEC) stx 1 / stx 2
- 18 Viruses:
Influenza A(FluA-H1-2009, Flu-H1-pan, FluA-H3), Influenza B, Parainfluenza (1, 2, 3, 4), Respiratory Syncytial Virus A & B, Human Metapneumonovirus, Coronavirus (229E, HKU1, OC43, NL63), Human Rhinovirus/Enterovirus, Adenovirus - 3 Bacteria:
Bordetella pertusis, Chlamyophila pneumoniae, Mycoplasm Pneumoniae

Chemical Pathology
Pathology is a vital component of diagnostic laboratories, playing a key role in diagnosing and treating illnesses while offering valuable insights into a patient's health. This field focuses on studying the structure, function, and diseases of cells, tissues, and organs, enabling the identification, diagnosis, and monitoring of various diseases. To achieve this, pathologists utilize a range of laboratory tests and techniques to analyze patient samples—such as tissue, blood, and other bodily fluids—helping to uncover the causes and progression of diseases and informing treatment strategies.
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
R | ALT | Alanine Transaminase (ALT/SGPT) | 3mL CB |
R | ALB | Albumin | 3mL CB |
R | A/G | Albumin/Globulin Ratio | 3mL CB |
T | ALC | Alcohol (Ethanol), Blood | 3mL CB |
R | ALP | Alkaline Phosphatase | 3mL CB |
T | AMON | Ammonia | 3mL EDTA |
R | AMY | Amylase | 3mL CB |
S | APOA1 | Apolipoprotein A1 (Apo A1) | 3mL CB |
S | APABR | Apolipoprotein A1/B Ratio | 3mL CB |
S | APOB | Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) | 3mL CB |
R | AST | Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/SGOT) | 3mL CB |
R | BICAR | Bicarbonate | 3mL CB |
R | DBILI | Bilirubin, Direct | 3mL CB |
R | IBILI | Bilirubin, Indirect | 3mL CB |
R | TBILI | Bilirubin, Total | 3mL CB |
R | UREA | Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)/ Urea | 3mL CB |
T | CADBL | Cadmium, Blood | 3mL EDTA - metal free (T183) |
R | CAL | Calcium | 3mL CB |
T | CARB | Carbamazepine (Tegretol) | 3mL CB (No gel tube) |
T | CERU | Ceruloplasmin | 3mL CB |
R | CL | Chloride | 3mL CB |
R | HDL | Cholesterol – HDL | 3mL CB, Fasting 8-12 hr. |
R | LDLD | Cholesterol - LDL (Direct) | 3mL CB, Fasting 8-12 hr. |
R | CHOL | Cholesterol – Total | 3mL CB, Fasting 8-12 hr. |
T | CHOLE | Cholinesterase | 3mL CB |
T | CR | Chromium (Cr) | 3mL CB metal-free (T184) |
T | CU | Copper (Cu) | 6mL CB metal-free (T184) |
R | CRPUS | C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Ultrasensitive, Quantitative | 3mL CB |
R | CK | Creatine Phosphokinase (CK/CPK) | 3mL CB |
S | CKMB | Creatine Phosphokinase-MB (CKMB) | 3mL CB |
R | CREA | Creatinine | 3mL CB |
R | CCT | Creatinine Clearance Test | 3mL CB, 24 hrs urine (No preservative) |
S | CRYO | Cryoglobulin | Drawn in lab, pre-warmed tube. |
T | CYCLO | Cyclosporin A | 3mL EDTA |
T | DIG | Digoxin | 3mL CB |
T | DIL | Dilantin (Phenytoin) | 3mL CB |
R | ELECT | Electrolytes (Na+ , K+ , Cl- , Bicarbonate3-) | 3mL CB |
R | eGFR | Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) with Creatinine | 3mL CB |
R | FET | Ferritin | 3mL CB |
T | RFO | Folate (RBC) | 3mL EDTA |
S | SFO | Folate (Serum) | 3mL CB, Fasting 6-8 hrs |
T | FLC | Free Light Chain (Kappa, Lambda free light chains and ratio) | 3mL CB |
T | FRUC | Fructosamine | 3mL CB |
R | GGT | Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) | 3mL CB |
T | G17 | Gastrin17 | 5 mL CB Fasting |
R | GLOB | Globulin | 3 mL CB |
R | GLU2H | Glucose, 2hrs | 2hrs Post Meal |
R | GLUF | Glucose, Fasting | 2mL FB, Fasting 8-12 hr. |
S | HOMO | Homocysteine | 3mL CB, Fasting 8-12 hr. |
R | FE | Iron | 3mL CB |
R | FETIBC | Iron & Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) (Including Transferrin Saturation) | 3mL CB |
R | LDH | Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) | 3mL CB |
T | LEAD | Lead (Pb) | 3mL EDTA - metal free (T183) |
T | LIPA | Lipase | 3mL CB |
T | LIP | Lipid, Total | 3mL CB |
T | LIPOA | Lipoprotein (a) | 3mL CB, fasting 8-12 hr |
T | LI | Lithium | 3mL CB |
R | MG | Magnesium | 3mL CB |
T | HG | Mercury (Hg) | 3mL EDTA - metal free; avoid seafood for 1 week |
T | MYOG | Myoglobin | 3mL CB |
S | NTBNP | NT-proBNP | 5mL Li-Hep or |
S | SOSMO | Osmolality (Serum) | 3mL CB + 2mL FB |
T | PHENO | Phenobarbital (Luminal) | 3mL CB |
T | PHEN | Phenytoin (Dilantin) | 3mL CB |
R | PHOS | Phosphate, Inorganic | 3mL CB |
R | K | Potassium (K+) | 3mL CB |
S | PCTQ | Procalcitonin, Quantitative | 3mL CB |
T | PE | Protein Electrophoresis, Serum | Fasting 3mL CB |
R | TP | Protein, Total | 3mL CB |
T | RFO | RBC Folate | 3mL EDTA |
T | SAL | Salicylate (Aspirin) | 3mL CB-Plain |
R | NA | Sodium (Na+) | 3mL CB |
T | TACRO | Tacrolimus (FK506) | Through specimens drawn immediately |
R | TIBC | Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) | 3mL CB |
T | TRSF | Transferrin | 3mL CB |
R | TRIG | Triglycerides | 3mL CB, fasting 8-12 hr |
T | TRO | Troponin-I | 3mL CB |
R | UREA | Urea (BUN) | 3mL CB |
R | 24UCT | Urea Clearance Test | 3mL CB + 24hrs urine |
R | UA | Uric Acid | 3mL CB |
T | VALP | Valproic Acid (Epilim) | 3mL CB |
S | B12 | Vitamin B12 | 3mL CB, fasting 6-8 hrs |
S | B12SF | Vitamin B12 + Folate | 3mL CB, fasting 6-8 hrs |
S | VITD | Vitamin D 25-OH Total | 3mL CB |
T | VITD2D3 | Vitamin D 25-OH Total, D2, D3 | 3mL CB |
T | ZINCR | Zinc (RBC) | 3mL EDTA - metal-free (T183) |
T | ZINCS | Zinc (Serum) | 3mL CB - metal-free (T184) |
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
R | FT4 | Free Thyroxine (FT4) | 3mL CB |
S | FTI | Free Thyroxine Index (FTI) (Include T3-Uptake, T4) | 3mL CB |
R | FT3 | Free Tri-Iodothyronine (FT3) | 3mL CB |
T | TG | Thyroglobulin (TG) | 3mL CB |
R | TSH | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) | 3mL CB |
R | T4 | Thyroxine, Total (T4) | 3mL CB |
S | T3 | Tri-Iodothyronine (T3) | 3mL CB |
S | T3U | Tri-Iodothyronine (T3) Uptake | 3mL CB |
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
T | ACTH | Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) | 3mL EDTA |
T | ALDO | Aldosterone (8.00 - 10.00 am) | 3mL CB; call Lab |
T | ARR | Aldosterone/Renin Ratio (Draw 8.00 - 10.00 a.m.) | 3mL CB |
S | AMH | Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) | 3mL CB |
T | C1ES | C1 Esterase Inhibitor Antigen | 3mL CB |
T | CATN | Calcitonin | 3mL CB |
T | CGA | Chromoganin A | 5 mL CB |
S | CORTA | Cortisol AM (9-10 a.m.) | 3mL CB; Record draw time |
S | CORTP | Cortisol PM (5-7 p.m.) | 3mL CB; Record draw time |
T | CPEP | C-Peptide | 3mL CB; Fast 8-12 hr |
T | DHEAS | Dehydroepiandrosterone-Sulfate (DHEA-S) | 3mL CB |
R | E2 | Estradiol (E2) | 3mL CB |
T | E3 | Estriol (E3) | 3mL CB |
T | ESTRO | Estrogens, total include: Estrone(E1) & Estradiol(E2) | 3mL CB; No gel tube x2 |
R | FSH | Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) | 3mL CB |
T | GH | Growth Hormone | 3mL CB; Fasting 8-12 hr. |
S | INFLIXAB | Infliximab Antibody, Total | 3mL CB |
S | INFLIX | Infliximab Quantitation | 3mL CB |
T | INSU | Insulin | 5mL CB |
T | INAB | Insulin Antibody | 3mL CB |
S | IL6 | Interleukin 6 (IL6) | 3 mL EDTA |
R | LH | Luteinizing Hormone (LH) | 3mL CB |
S | PTH | Parathyroid Hormone-Intact | 3mL EDTA |
R | PG | Progesterone | 3mL CB |
R | PRO | Prolactin | 3mL CB |
T | PHI | Prostate Health Index (phi) | 3mL CB |
T | RENIN | Renin | 3mL EDTA x 2 |
T | SHBG | Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) | 3mL CB |
T | FTESTO | Testosterone, Free | 3mL CB |
R | TTESTO | Testosterone, Total | 3mL CB |
Regular Tests
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
S | ALCU | Alcohol/Ethanol, Urine | 30mL Urine |
T | BJP | Bence Jones Protein, Urine, Qualitative | 30mL Urine |
R | UCCR | Calcium / Creatinine Ratio, Urine | 30mL Urine |
S | CHYLU | Chyle, Urine, Qualitative | 30mL Urine |
S | UCORT | Cortisol, Urine | 30mL Urine |
S | UFCORT | Cortisol, Free, Urine | 30mL Urine |
R | UCREAT | Creatinine, Urine | 30mL Urine |
R | MMUSC | Culture / Sensitivity | Mid-Stream Urine |
R | MA | Microalbumin, Random Urine | 10mL Urine |
R | MACR | Microalbumin/Creatinine ratio | 10mL Urine |
S | NICO | Nicotine (Cotinine), Urine | 10mL Urine |
S | UOSMO | Osmolality, Urine | 30mL Urine or |
T | PORPB | Porphobilinogen Qualitative, Urine | 30mL Urine |
T | PORP | Porphyrins Qualitative, Urine | 30mL Urine |
R | PGT | Pregnancy Test, Urine | 10mL Urine |
R | UPRO | Protein Total, Urine | 30mL Urine |
R | UPCR | Protein/ Creatinine Ratio, Urine | 30mL Urine |
T | UPE | Protein Electrophoresis, Urine | 30mL Urine |
R | UURO | Urobilinogen (Erlich's), Urine | 10mL Urine |
R | UR | Urinalysis / Urine Routine | 10mL Urine |
T | UZN | Zinc, Urine | 10mL Urine |
24 Hours Urine Tests
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
T | 24HIAA | 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid (5-HIAA), 24 hrs Urine | 24 hrs Urine + 25mL of 50% Acetic Acid |
R | 24UCAL | Calcium, 24 hrs Urine | 24 hrs Urine |
T | CATE | Catecholamines, Fractionated, 24hrs Urine | 24 hrs Urine + 25mL of 50% Acetic Acid |
T | 24CORT | Cortisol, 24 hrs Urine | 30mL 24 hrs Urine |
T | 24FCORT | Cortisol, Free, 24 hrs Urine | 30mL 24 hrs Urine + 10g of Boric Acid |
T | 24UCREAT | Creatinine, 24 hrs Urine | 24 hrs Urine, no preservative |
R | CCT | Creatinine Clearance Test | 3mL CB, 24hrs Urine, record height & weight |
R | 24MA | Microalbumin 24 hrs Urine | 24 hrs Urine, no preservative |
R | 24MCRR | Microalbumin/Creatinine ratio 24 hrs Urine | 24 hrs Urine, no preservative |
R | 24UPO4 | Phosphorus, Inorganic, 24 hrs Urine | 24 hrs Urine, no preservative |
R | 24UK | Potassium, 24 hrs Urine | 24 hrs Urine, no preservative |
R | 24UPROT | Protein Total, 24 hrs Urine | 24 hrs Urine, no preservative |
R | 24UNA | Sodium, 24 hrs Urine | 24 hrs Urine, no preservative |
R | 24UUREA | Urea, 24 hrs Urine | 24 hrs Urine, no preservative |
R | 24UCT | Urea Clearance Test, 24 hrs Urine | 3mL CB + 24 hrs Urine, record height & weight |
R | 24UUA | Uric Acid, 24 hrs Urine | 24 hrs Urine, no preservative |
T | VMA | Vanillylmandelic Acid (VMA), 24hrs Urine | 24 hrs Urine + 25 mL of 50% Acetic Acid |
T | 24UZN | Zinc, 24 hrs Urine | 24 hrs Urine, Acid Washed bottle |
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM)
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
T | AMINO | Aminophylline | 3mL CB |
T | CARB | Carbamazepine (Tegretol) | 3mL CB |
T | CYCLO | Cyclosporin A | 3mL EDTA |
T | DIG | Digoxin | 3mL CB |
S | INFLIX | Infliximab Quantitation | 3mL CB |
T | LI | Lithium | 3ml CB |
T | PHENO | Phenobarbital (Luminal) | 3mL CB |
T | PHEN | Phenytoin (Dilantin) | 3mL CB |
T | SAL | Salicylate (Aspirin) | 3mL CB-Plain |
T | TACRO | Tacrolimus (FK506) | 3L EDTA |
T | THEO | Theophylline (Aminophylline) | 3mL CB |
T | VALP | Valproic Acid (Epilim) | 3mL CB |
Drugs of Abuse ( DOA)
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
S | AMP | Amphetamines (AMP) | 20mL Urine (Fresh) |
S | BARB | Barbiturates (BARB) | 20mL Urine (Fresh) |
S | BENZ | Benzodiazepines (BZN) | 20mL Urine (Fresh) |
S | CANNA | Cannabinoids (THC / Cannabis / Marijuana) | 20mL Urine (Fresh) |
S | COCA | Cocaine (COC) | 20mL Urine (Fresh) |
S | ALCU | Ethanol, Urine | 20mL Urine (Fresh) |
S | UKE | Ketamine (KET) | 20mL Urine (Fresh) |
S | MDMA | MDMA (Ecstasy) | 20mL Urine (Fresh) |
S | MTD | Methadone | 20mL Urine (Fresh) |
S | METHAM | Methamphetamine (ICE) | 20mL Urine (Fresh) |
S | MQL | Methaqualone | 20mL Urine (Fresh) |
S | OP | Opiates (Morphine / Heroin / Codeine) | 20mL Urine (Fresh) |
S | PCP | Phencyclidine (PCP) | 20mL Urine (Fresh) |
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
R | FLUAN | Body Fluid Analysis | 3mL Body Fluid / Aspirate |
R | SE | Semen Analysis | See instructions on P.35 of the Price Book |
T | SECC | Semen Cell Counts (Rbc & Wbc) | Semen |
R | SYFAN | Synovial Fluid Analysis | 2mL Synovial Fluid |
R | SYUA | Synovial Fluid , Uric Acid Crystal | 3mL Synovial Fluid |
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
T | STONE | Renal Stone Analysis | Renal Stone |

Haematology is an essential branch of medicine that focuses on the study of blood, blood-forming organs, and blood disorders. It plays a critical role in diagnosing and managing various conditions, including anemia, clotting disorders, and leukemias. By analyzing blood samples, haematologists can provide valuable insights into a patient's overall health and detect abnormalities in blood cells and components. They employ various laboratory techniques, such as complete blood counts and bone marrow examinations, to identify, monitor, and treat blood-related diseases effectively, guiding appropriate therapeutic interventions.
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
R | PTT | Activated partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT) | 2mL Cit. B |
R | ABO | Blood Grouping + Rh(D) | 3mL EDTA, 3mL CB |
R | BSM | Blood Smear | 3mL EDTA |
R | CBC | Complete Blood Count (CBC) | 3mL EDTA |
R | CBP | Complete Blood Picture (CBP) incl. smear | 3mL EDTA |
T | COOMD | Coombs, Direct | 3mL EDTA |
T | COOMBID | Coombs, Indirect | 3mL CB - No gel tube |
S | DD | D-Dimer, Quantitative | 3mL Cit. B |
R | EO | Eosinophil Count | 3mL EDTA |
R | ESR | Erythrocytes Sedimentation Rate (ESR) | 3mL EDTA |
T | FVLM | Factor V Leiden (R506Q) | 6mL EDTA |
T | F8 | Factor VIII Activity | Send ambient to lab within 2 hrs |
T | F12 | Factor XII Activity | Send ambient to lab within 2 hrs |
T | FIBL | Fibrinogen | 4mL Cit. B |
T | G6PD | G6PD, Qualitative | 3mL EDTA |
T | G6PDQ | G6PD, Quantitative | 3mL EDTA |
R | HB | Haemoglobin | 3mL EDTA |
R | A1C | Haemoglobin A1c | 3mL EDTA |
S | HBP | Haemoglobin Pattern | 3mL EDTA |
S | LE | LE Latex | 3mL CB-No gel tube |
T | LA | Lupus Anticoagulant | 4mL Cit. B x 2 |
T | BSMP | Peripheral Blood Smear (By Pathologist) with CBP | 3mL EDTA |
R | PLT | Platelet Count | 3mL EDTA |
T | PROCA | Protein C Activity | 3mL Cit. B, arrive lab in 4 hr |
T | PROSA | Protein S Activity | 3mL Cit. B, arrive lab in 4 hr |
R | PT | Prothrombin Time + INR (PT) | 2mL Cit. B, arrive lab in 4 hr |
R | RETIC | Reticulocyte Count | 3mL EDTA |
T | TT | Thrombin Time | 3mL Cit. B |
R | WBC | White Cell Count (WBC) | 3mL EDTA |

Immunology and Serology
Immunology and serology focus on the immune system and the analysis of blood serum. Immunology investigates the body’s defense mechanisms against infections and diseases, while serology examines antibodies and antigens present in the blood. These fields are key to diagnosing autoimmune disorders, infectious diseases, and allergies. By using various laboratory techniques, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) and complement fixation tests, specialists can assess immune responses, monitor disease progression, and evaluate vaccine effectiveness, ultimately informing treatment strategies.
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
S | ANCA | ANCA (Include c-ANCA and p-ANCA) | 3mL CB |
T | ACHR | Anti-Acetylcholine Receptor (AChR) Antibody | 3mL CB |
T | ACLGM | Anti-Cardiolipin Antibodies - IgG & IgM | 5mL CB |
T | ACLGMA | Anti-Cardiolipin Antibodies - IgG, IgM & IgA | 5mL CB |
S | CCP | Anti-CCP(Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide) IgG | 3mL CB |
T | CENTRO | Anti-Centromere Antibody | 3mL CB |
S | DNA | Anti-dsDNA | 3mL CB |
S | Anti-ENA | Anti-ENA (Extractable Nuclear Antigen) - 6 Types | 3mL CB |
S | AAMA | Anti-Mitochrondrial Antibody | 3mL CB |
S | MPO | Anti-MPO (p-ANCA) | 3mL CB |
R | ANF | Anti-Nuclear Factor (ANF / ANA) | 3mL CB |
S | PR3 | Anti-PR3 | 3mL CB |
S | ASMA | Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibody | 3mL CB |
R | ASOT | Anti-Streptolysin ‘O’ Titre (ASOT) | 3mL CB |
S | ATGA | Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibody (Anti-TG) | 3mL CB |
S | ATAG | Anti-Thyroid Antibodies (Anti-TG & Anti-TPO) | 5mL CB |
S | TPO | Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (Anti-TPO) | 3mL CB |
T | ACLGM | Cardiolipin Antibodies (IgG & IgM) | 5mL CB |
T | ACLGMA | Cardiolipin Antibodies (IgG, IgM & IgA) | 5mL CB |
T | CDA | Celiac Disease Autoantibodies | 12mL CB |
S | CA | Cold Agglutinins titre | Drawn in lab, pre-warmed tube. |
S | C3 | Complement C3 | 3mL CB |
S | C4 | Complement C4 | 3mL CB |
T | FLC | Free Light Chain (Kappa, Lambda free light chains and ratio) | 3mL CB |
T | DGLDN | Gliadin Antibodies IgG & IgA | 3 mL CB |
T | GAD65 | Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD65) | 3mL CB |
T | HAPTO | Haptoglobin | 5mL CB |
T | HLA27 | HLA B27 Typing (Ankylosing Spondylitis) | 3mL EDTA |
T | HLA58 | HLA B5801 | 5mL EDTA |
T | FLC | Immunoglobulin Free Light Chain (Kappa, Lambda free light chains and ratio) | 3mL CB |
T | IGA | Immunoglobulin IgA | 3mL CB |
S | IGE | Immunoglobulin IgE | 3mL CB |
T | IGG | Immunoglobulin IgG | 3mL CB |
T | IGM | Immunoglobulin IgM | 3mL CB |
T | IGP | Immunoglobulins Profile (IgA, IgG & IgM) | 3mL CB |
T | IGG4 | Immunoglobulin Subclass Ig4 | 3mL CB |
T | INAB | Insulin Antibody | 3mL CB |
S | IL6 | Interleukin 6 (IL6) | 3 mL EDTA |
T | IFBA | Intrinsic Factor Blocking Antibody (Anti-IF) | 3mL CB |
T | IA2 | Islet Antigen 2 (IA2) Antibody | 5mL CB |
T | LKM | Liver / Kidney Microsome Type 1 Antibodies. | 3mL CB |
T | LA | Lupus Anticoagulant | 4mL Cit. B x 2 |
S | AAMA | Mitochrondrial Antibody | 3mL CB |
T | MYOP | Myostitis Profile (16 Types) | 3mL CB |
T | PE | Protein Electrophoresis, Serum | 3mL CB |
R | RF | Rheumatoid Factor, Quantitative | 3mL CB |
S | COVGM | SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgG + IgM Antibodies for infection | 3mL CB |
S | COVGQ | SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Spike IgG Antibody, Quantitative | 3mL CB |
S | Anti-ENA17 | Scl-70 , Jo1, Centromere, PCNA, Nucelosomes, Histones, Ribosomal P Protein, | 3mL CB |
S | ASMA | Smooth Muscle Antibody | 3mL CB |
T | QFERON | TB QuantiFERON (IGRA-TB Gold) | 6mL Li-Hep |
T | TG | Thyroglobulin (TG) | 3mL CB |
S | ATGA | Thyroglobulin Antibody (Anti-TG) | 3mL CB |
S | ATAG | Thyroid Autoantibodies (Anti-TG & Anti-TPO) | 5mL CB |
S | TPO | Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (Anti-TPO) | 3mL CB |
T | TSI | Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin (TSI) | 3mL CB |
S | TRA | Thyrotropin Receptor Antibody (TRA) | 3mL CB |
T | TTGAG | Tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies IgA & IgG | 3mL CB |
T | TTGA | Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody IgA | 3mL CB |
T | TTGG | Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody IgG | 3mL CB |
T | WFT | Weil-Felix Test (Proteus Antibodies) | 3mL CB |
T | WT | Widal Test (Salmonella Antibodies) | 3mL CB |
T | ZIKAAB | Zika Virus Antibodies, IgG & IgM | 3mL CB |
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
S | FTA | Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody (FTA-Abs)梅 | 3mL CB |
R | VDRL | RPR (Rapid Plasma Reagin) / (VDRL) | |
R | RUB | Rubella Antibody IgG | 3mL CB |
T | RUBM | Rubella Antibody IgM | 3mL CB |
T | TOXOG | Toxoplasma Antibody IgG | 3mL CB |
T | TOXOM | Toxoplasma Antibody IgM | 3mL CB |
S | TPAB | Treponema Pallidum Antibody (IgG) | 3mL CB |
S | TPHA | Treponema Pallidum Haemagglutination Test (TPHA) | 3mL CB |
S | VV | Varicella-Zoster Antibody IgG (Chicken Pox) | 3mL CB |
T | VVIGM | Varicella-Zoster Antibody IgM (Chicken Pox) | 3mL CB |
R | VDRL | VDRL (RPR) | 3mL CB |
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
S | ATOP | Allergy - Atopy (China) Panel (include IgE, gs1, tst19, t19, t223, u134, ds1, i6, 31, e2, e6, e71, e82, e84, es172, ms1, ms4, m5, m12, m45) |
2 x 4 mL CB |
S | FOOD | Allergy - Food (South East Asia) Panel (include IgE, f1, f75, f2, f4, f9, f10, f13, f14, f17, f23, f24, f80, f234, f63, f64, f83, fs10, f14, f336, f105) |
2 x 4 mL CB |
S | INHAL (u85) Latex | Allergy - Inhalation (South East Asia) Panel (include IgE, t20, w1, w6, ds1, e1, e2, i6, ms1, u80, f1, f2, f13, f14, f23, f24, f27, f33, f34, f88) |
2 x 4 mL CB |
S | PINHA | Pediatric Inhalation Profile (include IgE, g6, g12, t2, t3, t4, w6, w8, w9, d1, d2, e1, e2, e3, e6, g82, g84, m1, m2, m3, m6) |
2 x 4 mL CB |
Pediatric Atopy Profile |
2 x 4 mL CB |
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
R | AFP | Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP-Liver) | 3mL CB |
R | BHCG | Beta-HCG, Quantitative | 3mL CB |
R | CA125 | Cancer Antigen 125 (CA 125-Ovary) | 3mL CB |
R | CA153 | Cancer Antigen 15.3 (CA 15.3-Breast) | 3mL CB |
R | CA199 | Cancer Antigen 19.9 (CA 19.9-Pancreas) | 3mL CB |
S | CA242 | Cancer Antigen 242 (CA 242-Pancreas) | 3mL CB |
S | CA724 | Cancer Antigen 72.4 (CA 72.4-Stomach) | 3mL CB |
R | CEA | Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA-Colorectal) | 3mL CB |
S | CYFRA21 | CYFRA21-1 (Non-small cell lung cancer) | 3mL CB |
T | ROMA | HE4 & CA125 [ROMA] | 5mL CB |
T | HE4 | Human Epididymis Protein 4 (HE4) [Ovary] | 3mL CB |
T | NSE | Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE-Small Cell Lung Cancer) | 3mL CB |
S | PSAR | Prostate Specific Antigen Ratio (PSA + Free PSA) | 3mL CB |
S | PSAF | Prostate Specific Antigen, Free (Free PSA) | 3mL CB |
R | PSA | Prostatic Specific Antigen, Total (PSA) | 3mL CB |
T | SCC | Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen (SCC) | 3mL CB |
S | ST2 | Suppression of Tumorigenicity | 3mL CB |

Clinical Microbiology
Clinical microbiology is the branch of medical science that focuses on the diagnosis and management of infectious diseases through the study of microorganisms. This field involves the identification of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites in clinical specimens, utilizing various techniques such as culture, microscopy, and molecular methods. Clinical microbiologists play a crucial role in detecting pathogens, determining their antibiotic susceptibility, and guiding appropriate treatment options. By providing timely and accurate results, clinical microbiology enhances patient care, helps control outbreaks, and supports public health initiatives.
Culture & Drug Sensitivity Tests
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
S | CULT | Bacterial Culture only | Stool/Swab/Sputum/Semen, etc |
S | MBAS | Bacterial Culture & Drug Sensitivity Test | Stool/Swab/Sputum/Semen, etc |
T | BLCST | Blood Culture & Drug Sensitivity Test | Blood Culture Bottles |
R | CFU | Fungal Culture | Nail / Skin / Appropriate Sample |
T | CMRSA | MRSA Culture only | Appropriate Sample |
T | MUCST | Mycoplasma hominis & Ureaplasma urealyticum Culture & Drug Sensitivity Test |
Urethral / Vaginal Swab / Semen / Urine |
S | MSEMC | Semen Culture & Drug Sensitivity Test | Semen |
R | MSTOC | Stool Culture & Drug Sensitivity Test | Fresh Stool; Time of collection required |
T | CTB | TB Culture and Drug Sensitivity Test | Sputum / Urine / Body Fluid |
S | CTM | Trichomonas & Monilia (T&M) Culture | Swab |
R | MMUSC | Urine Culture and Drug Sensitivity Test | 20mL Mid-Stream Urine(MSU); Time of collection required |
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
Gastrointestinal Panel by Multiplex PCR |
Stool |
T | RSPPCR | Respiratory Panel by Multiplex PCR (include 18 viruses and 3 bacteria) |
Throat swab, Nasopharyngeal swabs, Nasal washes or Nasal and tracheal aspirates, Bronchoalveolar lavages (BALs) |
Other Microbiology Tests
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
S | BREATH | C13 Urea Breath Test for Helicobacter Pylori | Special kit, Call Lab |
T | CHLAG | Chlamydia Trachomatis Antigen | Non-gel Swab |
R | GCSM | Gonococcus (G.C.), Smear | Blood / Urine / Swab |
R | GRAM | Gram Stain for Smear | Blood / Urine / Swab |
T | HPGAG | Helicobacter Pylori Antigen | Fresh Stool |
T | FLUAB | Influenza Virus A+B Antigen | NP Swab |
S | MP | Malarial Parasites | 3mL EDTA |
S | STB | Smear, AFB | Urine / Sputum |
R | SFU | Smear, Fungus | Nail / Skin |
S | SMIC | Smear, Microfilaria | 3mL EDTA |
R | STM | Smear, Trichomonas & Monilia (T&M) | Swab |
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
T | HCVG | HCV Genotyping | 5mL CB (On ice) |
S | HCVRNA | HCV Quantitative RNA | 5mL CB |
R | HAVG | Hepatitis A Virus Antibody (Anti-HAV) IgG | 3mL CB |
S | HAVM | Hepatitis A Virus Antibody (Anti-HAV) IgM | 3mL CB |
T | HBCABM | Hepatitis B Core (Anti-HBc) Ab IgM | 3mL CB |
S | HBCAB | Hepatitis B Core Antibody (Ant-HBc) Total | 3mL CB |
S | HBSAGQ | Hepatitis B Surface Ag (HBsAg), Quantitative | 3mL CB |
R | HBSAB | Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HbsAb) | 3mL CB |
R | HBSAG | Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) | 3mL CB |
S | HBVDNA | Hepatitis B Virus DNA, Quantitative | 3mL CB |
T | HBVG | Hepatitis B Virus Genotyping | 5mL CB |
S | HBEAB | Hepatitis Be Antibody (HBeAb) | 3mL CB |
S | HBEAG | Hepatitis Be Antigen (HBeAg) | 3mL CB |
S | HCV | Hepatitis C Virus Antibody (Anti-HCV) | 3mL CB |
T | HDVAB | Hepatitis D Virus Antibody (HDV Ab) | 3mL CB |
T | HEVAB | Hepatitis E Virus Antibody (HEV Ab) | 3mL CB |
T | HEVIGM | Hepatitis E Virus Antibody (HEV Ab) IgM | 3mL CB |
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
R | MAMOE | Amoeba Trophozoite & Cyst | Fresh Stool |
T | CALPQN | Calprotectin, Quantitative | Fresh Stool |
T | CLOSAB | Clostridium Difficile Toxin A & B | Fresh Stool |
S | SFAT | Fat Globules | Fresh Stool |
T | GIARAG | Giardia Lamblia Antigen | Fresh Stool |
T | GACAG | Giardia, Entamoeba & Cryptosporidium Triple Antigens | Fresh Stool |
T | HPGAG | Helicobacter Pylori Antigen | Fresh Stool |
T | HUPI | Human Parasites Identification | Appropriate Sample |
S | NORO | Norovirus (GI & GII) PCR, Qualitative | Fresh Stool |
R | FIT | Occult Blood (FIT) | Fresh Stool; Time of collection required |
T | MRFPH | pH, Stool | Fresh Stool |
R | PIN | Pin Worm Ova, Cellulose Tape Exam | Appropriate Sample |
T | REDS | Reducing Substance | Fresh Stool |
T | ROTAS | Rotavirus / Adenovirus | Fresh Stool |
R | SR | Routine, Ova & Parasites | Fresh Stool; Time of collection required |

Histology and Cytopathology
Histology and cytopathology focus on the microscopic examination of tissues and cells, respectively. Histology analyzes tissue architecture to identify abnormalities, while cytopathology examines individual cells for changes that may indicate diseases like cancer or infections. Both disciplines are essential for diagnosing various medical conditions and commonly use techniques like biopsies and fine-needle aspirations (FNA) to collect samples. The insights gained from these analyses inform treatment decisions and enhance patient management.
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
T | BIO | Biopsy: Small biopsy specimen (less than 2 cm in length or diameter) up to 2 containers for the same site | Tissue in Formalin, History and Site(s) |
T | BIOL | Biopsy: Large biopsy specimen (greater than 2 cm in length or diameter) | Tissue in Formalin, History and Site(s) |
T | BIOA | Biopsy: Each additional specimen of same site & same procedure from the third container | Tissue in Formalin, History and Site(s) |
T | CYTO | Cytology: Non-gynecological (FNA, Urine, Sputum, etc) | FNA / Urine / Sputum / etc. |
T | THINPAP | Thin Prep | Liquid-based Cervical Cytology Samples |
T | THINHPV | Thin Prep + HPVDNA Genotyping | Liquid-based Cervical Cytology Samples |

Molecular Testing
Molecular testing involves analyzing biological markers in the genome and transcriptome to diagnose diseases, assess risk, and guide treatment decisions. This technique focuses on the detection of specific genetic material, such as DNA and RNA, to identify mutations, infections, or other abnormalities at a molecular level. Molecular testing is especially valuable in oncology, infectious diseases, and genetic disorders, providing precise information that can lead to targeted therapies and personalized medicine. By employing advanced methods like polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and next-generation sequencing (NGS), laboratories can deliver rapid and accurate results that enhance patient care.
Cat | Test Codes | Test Description | Specimen Requirement |
T | CHLADNA | Chlamydia Trachomatis (CT) DNA | Cervical / Vaginal / Urethral swab (Non-gel)/ 20mL 1st Voided Urine |
T | CTGCDNA | CT + GC DNA | Cervical/ Vaginal/ Urethral swab(Non-gel)/ 20mL 1st Voided Urine |
T | EBVQL | Epstein-Barr Virus DNA, NPC Screening (Qualitative) | 3mL EDTA |
T | EBVQN | Epstein-Barr Virus DNA, NPC (Quantitative) | 3mL EDTA |
T | EBVT2 | Early NPC Screening Take 2 Prophecy Test | 20mL Cell-free DNA tube; Special consent form required. |
S | HBVDNA | Hepatitis B Virus DNA (Quantitative) | 3mL CB |
T | HBVMDR | Hepatitis B Virus Multi-drug Resistance Genotyping (includes HBVDNA,& LAM +TEL+ ADE, ETV +TDF) | 5mL CB |
S | HCVRNA | Hepatitis C Virus Quantitative RNA | 5mL CB |
T | HCVG | Hepatitis C Virus Genotyping | 5mL CB |
T | HLA27 | HLA B27 Typing (Ankylosing Spondylitis) | 3mL EDTA |
T | HLA58 | HLA B5801 | 5 mL EDTA |
T | HSV12DNA | Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV 1 & 2) DNA | Swab/Body Fluid |
T | HSVVDNA | Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV 1 & 2) DNA + Varicella Virus | Swab/Body Fluid |
T | HPVDNA | HPV DNA Detection & Genotyping | Cervical swab (Non-gel) / Biopsy / Liquid-based cytology preparations / Urine (male) |
T | TBDNA | MTB DNA (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) | Sputum/Body Fluid |
S | GENTB | MTB DNA & Rifampin Resistance (PCR) | 5-10 mL Sputum |
T | MYURDNA | Mycoplasma & Ureaplasma species DNA (4 types) | Swab, 20mL 1st-voided Urine |
T | GCDNA | Neisseria Gonorrhoeae (GC) DNA | Cervical / Vaginal / Urethral swab (Non-gel)/ 20mL 1st Voided Urine |
S | NORO | Norovirus (GI & GII) PCR, Qualitative | Fresh Stool |
S | COVIDRNA | SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA | Deep throat saliva/ Nasal pharyngeal swab (NPS) + Throat swab |
T | STD9P | STD DNA (9 types) | Swab, 20mL 1st-voided Urine |
T | THAAG | α-Thalassaemia Carrier Genotyping | 6mL EDTA (4°C) |
T | THAAB | β-Thalassaemia Carrier Genotyping | 6mL EDTA (4°C) |
T | UTD9 | Urethritis (9 types) | Swab, 20mL |
Material Request
Only for requests from healthcare providers.
The information provided on this page is for general guidance only and may not reflect all details. Specific handling may vary depending on individual circumstances, including the specific test required and other factors.
We encourage you to contact us directly at 3529 1983 to discuss your specific needs.